The Master class lecture - "Urban renewal of the school with CLT modular elements" took place on Wednesday, 13.4. The lectures were hold by experts from practice. The architect Simon Speigner and engineer Richard Woschitz.
Mr. Speigner presented two of his projects. The Senior Citizens Residence, Hallein 2013 and the Special Educational Center, St Johann 2014. The main focus of his lecture was on explaining the benefits of building with modular timber elements.
Mr. Woschitz presented a lecture about engineering aspects of building with wood. He starts with the advantaged of a 4 storey high apartment complex and finished his lecture up to the 24 storey timber-hybrid construction "HOHO" Vienna, wich will be the tallest timber buildling in the world.
The students were very interested in the lectures. The auditorium was full of future architects and engineers who see wood as a building material of the future.