woodbox on tour - brussels
Cutting-edge timber architecture in Europe
Wood will be showcased right in the heart of the city as the material of the future when it comes to urban construction and living.
WOODBOX is a compact, mobile exhibition that, with the help of around 50 architectural examples, shows the new potential in building with wood – ecological, sustainable and urban.
Monday, September 22st 2014, 6:30 PM
Place du Luxembourg, Brussels
- Opening address (Mr Ladislaus Döry, Vice-Chairman of CEI-Bois, President
of EPF -European Panel Federation) - Welcoming remarks – the Belgian perspective (Mr Marc Tarabella, Member
of the European Parliament, Socialists and Democrats, Belgium) - Launch of the Wood Manifesto (Mr Marc Michielsen, President of CEI-Bois,
Director Government & Regulatory Affairs - Brambles CHEP EMEA, Belgium) - Views from the European Parliament (Ms Elisabetta Gardini, Member of the
European Parliament, European People's Party, Italy) - Views from Industry (Mr Matti Kuittinen, Research Manager at Aalto
University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Finland) - Views from Industry (Mr Michael Wolff, CEO Pfleiderer, Germany)
- Conclusions, followed by a guided visit to the Woodbox
Tuesday, 23.09.2014, 08:30 AM
Networking Breakfast: “Wood for a low-carbon economy: How to tackle climate change by increasing the use of wood
European Parliament (Altiero Spinelli – A5G305)
Wood products offer a simple and natural way to reduce the CO2 emissions that
are the main cause of global warming. Compared to non-renewable materials,
wood is naturally renewable, re-usable and recyclable. This workshop aims to
discuss how the European Woodworking Industry and European policy makers
can work to substitute wood for fossil carbon-intensive products to help the EU
achieve its environmental and climate change targets.
- Welcome address (Mr Ladislaus Döry, Vice-Chairman of CEI-Bois, President
of EPF - European Panel Federation) - Opening comments (Ms Alessandra Moretti, Member of the European
Parliament, Socialists and Democrats, Committee on Legal Affairs and on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, Italy) - Advantage of using more wood products from a climate perspective (Prof.
Dr Ir Van Acker, Ghent University, Belgium) - True bio-economy value chains (Mr Jukka Kantola, Chairman of Board
NISCluster Ltd, Finland) - Outlook of the sawmill industry in Europe (Mr Sampsa Auvinen, CEO of
Norvik Timber, Finland) - Closing remarks (Ms Henna Virkkunen, Member of the European Parliament,
EPP - European People's Party, Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, Finland)
Tuesday, 23.09.2014, 0:30 PM
Networking Lunch
Restaurant of the European Parliament
Short presentations prior to lunch
- Mr Ladislaus Döry, Vice-Chairman of CEI-Bois, President of EPF - European Panel Federation
- Ms Patrizia Toia, Member of the European Parliament, Socialists and Democrats, Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, Italy
Tuesday, 23.09.2014, 02:00 PM
The Woodworking industry: a unique contributor to Europe’s reindustrialization
European Parliament (Altiero Spinelli – A3H-1)
To effectively play its part in the re-industrialisation of Europe, the
woodworking industry has set itself the goal of increasing its total annual
industrial output by 4%. This workshop aims to discuss how the European
Woodworking Industry and European policy makers can work together to reach
this goal through the support of further investment in the sector and avoiding the
divergence of EU legislation while reducing administrative burdens.
- Welcome address and presentation of industry manifesto (Mr Måns
Johansson, President EOS, CEO & President Vida AB, Sweden) - Views from the European Parliament ITRE Committee (Ms Patrizia Toia,
Member of the European Parliament, Socialists and Democrats, Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, Italy) - High technology solutions for high-rise timber construction (Mr Matti
Mikkola, Head of Business Development, Building Solutions, Stora Enso
Building and Living, Finland)
Tuesday, 23.09.2014, 03:00 PM
Congress: Meeting Tomorrow’s Housing Challenges
European Economic & Social Committee (Meeting Room TRE 7701)
- Opening address: Mr Seppo Kallio, member of the European Economic and Social Committee
- Keynote speaker: Mr Olli Rehn, Vice-President European Parliament
- Welcoming remarks: Mr Andreas von Möller, President of ETTF
- Potential housing stock of carbon: Mr Craig White, White-design, UK
- Modern Timber Design and Wooden Architecture - an opportunity for Global Urbanization? Experience and follow-up from the Swedish exhibition at UN Habitat World Urban Forum in Medellin, Colombia: Mr Lars Johansson, Architect SAR/MSA, Senior Partner and Marketing Director, AIX Arkitekter AB, Stockholm, Sweden
- Meeting tomorrow's housing challenges - Swiss energy policy 2050 means high standards for new buildings and renovation for our real estate: Mr Markus Mooser, Cedotec, Switzerland
- Wood First program in Hackney (London) - Timber potential for high rise, dense urban living: Mr Thistleton, Waugh-Thistleton architects, UK
- Strengthening trust in tropical timber: Mr Andreas von Möller, President of ETTF
- Moderator: Mr David Hopkins, Timber Trade Federation
Tuesday, 23.09.2014, 08:00 PM
Networking Dinner - Renewing the Club du Bois
Club Royal des Guides (Luxembourg Square opposite the European Parliament)
- History, achievements & ambition of the ‘Club du Bois’ (Mr Ladislaus Döry)
- Introduction of the new ‘Club du Bois’ President (Mr Marc Michielsen)
- Opening remarks: New European Parliament ‘Club du Bois’ Chair
- A modern, highly integrated multinational wood working company (Mr
Jari Suominen, EVP Building and Living, Stora Enso, Finland)
Wednesday, 24.09.2014, 10:30 AM
Congress: Forest-based Innovation and Research needs for reaping the potential of sustainable habitats for strengthening Europe’s low carbon bio-economy
Forestry House on Luxembourg Square
The seminar aims to inform policy decision makers on European and regional
level about the innovative developments and potentials of sustainable habitats
that are based on forest-based materials in Europe’s low carbon bio-economy. It will raise the awareness on an important renewable resource that can boost local growths in rural and urban environments.
- High tech potential of the use of wood in sustainable multi-storey constructions presented by a leading wooden construction company/architect
- Benefits of sustainable construction on the living environment, health and wellbeing, energy efficiency and the environmental paybacks of the use of renewable construction products (Mr Andreja Kutnar, University of Primorska, Slovenia)
- Technological possibilities and barriers on the use of wood, providing solutions that counter the misassumptions still incorrectly related with the use of wood in constructions (Mr Per-Erik Eriksson, SP, Sweden)
- Presentation of pan-European trans-national innovation and research
programme initiative for the future of the forest-based sector (Mr Andreas Kleinschmit, FCBA, France) - Book presentation: Contemporary Slovenian Timber architecture for
sustainability - Slovenian timber architecture has taken a new approach to environmental and energy-efficiency problems and received great international
Blog: WOODBOX opening in Brussels

The WOODBOX arrived at its next stop on its tour with the European Wood Action Days right in front of the European Parliament in Brussels. It will remain there until 26 September. The Wood Action Days provide visitors with speeches, discussions and seminars and make the contribution of sustainable forest management and valuable applications of wood and timber to the protection of our climate tangible for decision makers.
WOODBOX open daily from 10:00 am – 08:00 pm, free admission
woodbox on tour
Woodbox & Wooddays
in Brussels are in cooperation with the Belgian Timber Importers Federation,
Fedustria, Hout Info Bois, Union Nationale des Entreprises du Bois – Nationale Unie Houtsector and Belgian Center of wood education.
Sponsoring partners
Partner of the Brussels WOOD Action Days
- CEI-Bois
- proHolz Austria
- Fedustria
- Chep Brambles
- Fachverband der österreichischen Holzindustrie/Association of the Austrian Wood Industries
- European Timber Trade Federation
- Finnish Forest Industries
- Swedisch Forest Industries Federation
- Treindustrien
- aimmp