
Lectures by the experts in Zagreb


On 11th of May, architect Simon Speigner and engineer Richard Woschitz made lectures in Zagreb for the participating students of architecture and civil engineering.

Architect Simon Speigner talked about the CLT modular elements and he presented some of his latest projects made in wooden construction. The title of his lecture was "Wooden construction I Modular system". Engineer Richard Woschitz talked about engineering aspect of wooden construction. His lecture with a title "Wood – the material of the future" focused on the wooden multi-storey buildings and future possibilities of the wooden structures.

On the lectures, the professors from the Faculty of Architecture (Prof. Sanja Filep & Prof. Ivica Plavec) and Faculty of Civil Engineering (Prof. Vlatka Rajcic) were present. Subsequently, the regional know-how of the construction sector was exchanged and further university contacts were made.

Kategorija: Masterclass 2017

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