Master class 2018: Mid-term consultations
Friday, 20.4. was at Faculty of architecture, University of Ljubljana an intensive day. The students and professors from Ljubljana welcomed their colleagues from Zagreb on a mid-term consultation with Prof. Hans Gangoly, his assistant Sarah Julia Posch and Prof Gerhard Schickhofer.
23.04.2018In the first stage 12 groups from Zagreb, consisting of an architect and an engineer present their designs. The students from Zagreb presented designs for a sports hall and swimming pool hall in Camp Danica, multipurpose hall for Nordic centre Polje and Rowing house by the lake Bohinj. The projects were shown the results of an intensive research of the Alpine wooden architecture.
In the second stage 7 interdisciplinary groups from Ljubljana presented their ideas for wooden hotels. The students from Ljubljana are dealing with a problem of three existing hotels around lake Bohinj, some of them are not the best example of an Alpine architecture and the others like Hotel Bellevue, has the architecture that is worth to preserve and specially on these projects it was and it will be interesting to see how the students combine the existing architecture with their new ideas.
We could see variety of the designs, from modern architecture to traditional one, but mostly there were seen that awareness of students about timber buildings is definitely better that was couple of year ago and we could find more challenging designs. Maybe a bit more problems and demanding questions had students from civil engineering, but after a good discussion with Prof. Schickhofer they solved the challenges together.
We are all looking forward to see what the students will show us on their final presentations in Ljubljana (Thursday, 7th of June) and in Zagreb (Friday, 8th of June).