On Thursday, 11 June the university course “überholz” celebrated its 10th anniversary during the Wooddays in Linz, Upper Austria.
In addition to all the companions, teachers and graduates of this course, four internationally renowned experts in timber construction (Alex de Rijke, London, Florian Nagler, Munich; Bruno Mader, Paris and Reinhard Kropf, Oslo) were invited to speak about their own works and their experience regarding the inspiring and countless ways of building with wood.
Der Standard architecture critic, Wojciech Czaja moderated the afternoon event and presented his book “überholz”. In this book people are interviewed who cannot imagine a single working day without wood on their minds.
Provincial Councillor for Agriculture in Upper Austria, Max Hiegelsberger, emphasised that almost 50% of Upper Austria is covered with woods which makes it predestined for timber constructions.
“überholz” founder Roland Gnaiger explained enthusiastically that building with wood is demanding but brings about a lot of benefits.