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WOODBOX on TOUR - Bruxelles
Architettura d’avanguardia in legno in Europa
Il legno in mostra nel cuore delle capitali europee, il materiale del futuro per la crescita sostenibile delle città.
WOODBOX la mostra itinerante, illustra il potenziale tecnologico, creativo ed ecologico dell’edilizia in legno. Questo materiale da costruzione ha acquisito una grande importanza, impensabile solo fino a qualche anno fa. Lo sviluppo di materiali e logistiche di produzione moderni ha rivoluzionato l'edilizia in legno. Ecologico, sostenibile e urbano, il legno è uno dei materiali da costruzione più antichi dell’umanità che propone prospettive totalmente nuove per l’architettura e l’urbanistica.
Monday, September 22st 2014, 6:30 PM
Place du Luxembourg, Brussels
Tuesday, 23.09.2014, 08:30 AM
Networking Breakfast
EP ENVI & AGRI Committee
Presentation of the Wood Industries' Manifesto and the specific ENVI (Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety) & AGRI (Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development) Working Papers.
Tuesday, 23.09.2014, 0:30 PM
Networking Lunch
EP ITRE Committee
Presentation of the Wood Industrie's Manifesto and the specific ITRE (Committee on Industry, Research and Energy) Paper.
Tuesday, 23.09.2014, 08:30 PM
Networking Dinner
Presentation of the "Club du Bois"
Wednesday, 24.09.2014, 10:30 AM
Seminar Research and Innovation Needs
The Potentials of Sustainable Building and Low Carbon Bio Economy
The seminar aims to inform policy makers on the European and regional level about the innovative developments and potentials of sustainable building in the low carbon bio economy.It will raise the awareness on an important European renewable resource that can boost local growth in rural and urban environments.
Blog: 60 tonnes CO2 for a single family house made of timber
A very important aspect of the WOODBOX is the use of wood and timber as a contribution for climate protection. A single family house binds 60 tonnes of CO₂. If all building constructions were made of timber, half the amount of CO2 emissions produced by all cars in Austria per year could be avoided, says university professor Dr. Alfred Teischinger, Institut für Holzforschung (IHF, Institute for Wood Research), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna at the Wooddays on 3 September at the town hall in Klagenfurt.
WOODBOX aperto tutti i giorni dalle 10:00 alle 20:00, Ingresso libero
woodbox on tour