
Excursion and consultations with the Prof. Schickhofer and Prof. Gangoly in Graz

The participating students from Ljubljana and Zagreb came to Graz on 21st of April, to the intermediate consultations and to visit two marvelous examples of the wooden construction.


Programm Excursion 21.4722 K

6 interdisciplinary groups, consisting of one architect and one engineer, from Zagreb and 7 groups (two architects + one engineer) from Ljubljana made presentations of their work.

They presented very interesting and diverse concepts which are showing that the students already upgrade their basic knowledge from the wooden constructions. It was seen that the students of architecture are not afraid to use the wood and they are decently using it in their designs and meanwhile learning about its advantages and certainly we can say that the students of civil engineering are up to the task with the help and instructions from the acknowledged professors.

The second part of the event was the excursion to the Housing Hummelkaserne (four blocks of the first six story wooden building in the Steiermark), designed by sps-Architekten and Arch. DI Bettina Gossak-Kowalski, architect by Dietger Wissounig Architekten, showed and explained us their project, Peter Rosegger Pflegeheim (a nursing home, where the wall construction consists of cross laminated timber plates or timber beam frames and for the ceiling, the cross laminated timber plates and wooden ribs were used).

The day we finished with a visit of the Institute of Timber Engineering and Wood Technology, TU Graz, where Prof. G. Schickhofer guide us through the Competence Centre for Wood Building Research.

Categoria: Masterclass 2017

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